let me start from saturday~~
went to gurney wif my family
my mum treat all of us for chili's~~~
the main purpose is treat my bro,coz his bday is coming
jz took 3 photo...

tis is my mum's 1...duno wat prawn chicken bla bla bla~~LOL

tis is duno wat sandwich..LOL..i nvr rmb the name...muakaka...my bro order it~~

TIS 1 i rmb..coz its MINE!!! grill chicken sandwich
i m sry for my dad...coz the food he order come ltr...so i jz eat after i took all those photo..(mana bloeh tahan looking at the BIG burger in font of me??)
OK,NEXT>>>> bad day for me
tis is the 2nd 1
1st.)woke up early in the morning
i found tht my DEEEEEEP inside my nose there is 1 PIMPLE!!! stupid pimple..grow inside
ok...nvm..jz 4get abt it...coz not reli pain...
2nd.)nx thing...bcoz my bro start 2 work..n he get his own car...n OUR OLD car nid 2 park outside
the worst thing is~~~ park under the tree n the car full of birdy POOO POOO~~~
n my dad ask me 2 wash my car after i back from my class
ok...I CNT SAY NO!!!
3rd.) Go till coll....class start...our lect told us...the schedule chg back due 2 the admin dun allow us 2 chg the class
Sooooo...ends up nid 2 stayback until 3pm~~~
ok...all bad thing goin...n here comes the good thingy..kaka XD
back home after dinner,while taking shower...
i start 2 scratch my THE BIG pimple inside my nose..scratch scratch scratch~~
n FINALLY!!! PoP!!!
explode...muakakaka...jz 3 word 2 describe..I FEEL GOOD!!!(ntv7)
heres the last post for 2day
back after finished washed all the POO POO~~
chatting wif my bii~~hahah
i got a new nickname from her...call hiao hiao =.=''
due 2 wat i ve done~~
coz folo all her action thru the cam..nvm...i like the name too..LOL..quite funny
love 2 see her smile...kakax...
n i m happy 2day coz .......... XD
chat until abt 5.++..n my bii bii is goin 2 bath
n i m start 2 get the best time for cube
1st attempt

here s the time
ave of 12 : 42.91sec best:34.44sec
ave of 5 :42.95sec 3 of 5 : 43.20sec
ave of 10 : 43.39 sec 10 of 12 : 42.77sec
2nd attempt

ave : 42.28sec best: 32.97 sec
ave of 5: 38.28 sec 3 of 5: 27.18sec
ave of 10 : 42.34sec 10 of 12 : 42.43sec

muakakaka...agn..my personal best...happy 2 get it 2day n succes 2 make my ave time getting faster...
P.S angie: kekex...recently u so bz err..rmb 2 take good care of urself
n rmb drink more water ya..love u..