its another day i m waiting for...
thursday noon goin to QB
went watson once i reach,searchin for MASK
coz H1N1 is gettin serious~~
*watson worker: kami tak da jual mask* ok fine~~
nvm,i wanna buy instant hand sanitizer too
bought 2 botol,1 for my family n 1 for my dear
then went guardian searchin for mask
me:sini ada jual mask tak??
guardian worker: oh mask kah,mask sold out =.="'
went jusco...finally found MASK!!
bought 6 pcs of mask...come wif 3 pcs / pack
4 for me n my family members...n got extra...i wanna get 1 for my baby too~~
**very sry coz i cnt found the nice nice mask for u** at QB....mostly go kacau...din buy...hahhaa
>>> fast forward
until evening,coz if my baby angie wanna eat cheese cake on the nx i went to buy for her
feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwww go and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww back
cheese cake is with me now within 10 min~~
>>>fast forward agn... is the story match wif my title
reach tarc at 10.15...eeewww...
wat i saw is ALOT of student wif mask...
nvm...wait my baby come out from class....around 10.30 she came out
and then we go to the car...
n bcoz of some reason...she is not reli in mood and kinda sad
so jz tam tam n sek sek her...then ate our cheesecake...hahaha
went back her college arund 11.15
coz wanna help her sis to stick the rubiks sticker on it...n her frens too~~

some of the sticker n my cube over there

tis 1 is my baby..the 1 i always her

tis is baby's fren yin n xian

n the last 1...thts me!!! concentrate on sticking the sticker to the cube...hahahaa
time passed SUPER DUPER Fast....
n so fast she need to go back for her class on 12pm
although its jz a 1 and a half hour i spend wif i m stl happy..its true...
waiting for another friday...i can meet wif her agn...
muacksx...thx for everything...
the only thing is...i wan u to take care urself my dear
will b there for u on nx friday...
good nite every1...sleep tight